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Wonderful Wishes from Lingvista

It`s time to slow down and remember how fantastic and daring were our childhood dreams.


Consular Legalization


We’ve got the news: from now on, we can help to legalize your personal documents issued in Russia! Lingvista Translation Agency manages the whole process: translation, notarization, legalization at the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a visit to a required Embassy, payment of a consular fee and courier door-to-door delivery.


Expectations Vs. Reality


Even in our unstable world and changeable times, there is still one eternal question, which is “What to do?” Namely, what to do if you are a university graduate? And what's your plan if you're going to be a translator after graduation? Last week, Lingvista took part in several industry events doing our best to help students clear things up about their future profession.


Translation & Nature


Do you remember those tricky names for plants and animals, as they were referred to in schoolbooks? These used to be archaic words in the Latin language, always printed in italics… Perhaps, it was the last time you dealt with them – some years ago, at school. Unless you have decided to become a botanist or a biologist when you grow up. Or a translator!


Video Remote Interpretation: Eyewitness Evidence


One hundred years ago, what could a translation agency have looked like? Now, it is rather awkward to imagine tables with no PC monitors or laptops connected to Internet, fully equipped with online dictionaries and newest CAT tools. Just paper and feathers, a typewriter – if you're lucky enough, and a pile of thick dusty books containing thousands of words and their translations. At those times, it was not less awkward to imagine that in 2020, interpreters would be able to simultaneously interpret what is spoken miles away from where they are, without leaving home. We at Lingvista consider this year a good year to master modern technologies and develop a new activity area, which is Video Remote Interpretation (VRI).


Safe & Happy 2022 — a Checklist

Sometimes we all need to forget the burning deadlines and just…


Warmest Winter Greetings!


Make sure the upcoming year is going to be much better than the previous one, okay? ;)  


Translation Day 2020


On September 30, translators and interpreters traditionally celebrate their professional holiday. This year has brought us a plenty of surprises that have influenced our business field significantly. It is well known that those who deal with foreign languages on a professional level are people of many talents, including energetic "speakers" and diligent "writers", nuclear physicists and marketing experts, simultaneous interpreters and artificial intelligence teachers. We learned to be even more flexible after these months: everything happens online now, so our profession has started to adjust as well.


Lingvista Turns 10!


2020 turned out to be unexpected in so many ways, but there still are a few things that remain unchangeable. Lingvista's birthday belongs to them: in August, we celebrated our big anniversary – 10 years! Lingvista team had to postpone festive celebrations till the better post-pandemic times, but nothing can stop us from looking back to what we achieved and planning what to strive for in the future.


Documentaries, Time Codes & Script


Subtitle translation often seems to be one of the most fascinating tasks a translator can try hand at. It's much more interesting and nice to watch a movie rather than trudge through a complicated technical tutorial, right? However, subtitle translation is a challenging type of work which demands special skills and experience. Particularly, when it comes to translation of documentaries, since instead of plain dialogs common for TV series, they include various scientific facts that need to be proven and understood before being transferred to the target language correctly.


Customer Reviews

  • «

    I have known the team of Lingvista since 2002. We worked together on a project which involved localization of golf management software and translation of system manuals. Besides, they provided interpretation assistance to me during my business visits to Tomsk and Moscow...


    Read more General Manager of Albatros Datenservice GmbH Volker Schorp