Home Company News Lingvista unites hearts…

Lingvista unites hearts…


Our company will always remember the last days of this summer as we witnessed a great event – wedding!

Being a resident of another country, the groom had to fill in numerous documents in order to marry his beloved one from Russia. But the game is worth the candle. Mendelssohn’s march, flowers, declamation of registrar… Tears… tears of happiness!

Lingvista provided the newly-weds with a specialist for wedding ceremony interpreting. Not only should the interpreter translate the ceremony itself, but also sign necessary documents for the Civil Registry Office. So, this time the interpreter was a part of the solemnization of marriage and witnessed the foundation of a new family.

We would like to send our best wishes to our partners and everyone who has already found their love! Don’t forget that love is almighty and can work wonders!

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    I have been working with Lingvista since 2010. Lingvista provided me with excellent organizational support of business trips in Russia...


    Read more Director of the Emergency Medicine Centre, Jena University Clinics Prof. Dr. med. Wilhelm Behringer