Home Company News Translation of descriptions of various automation and management systems for a catalogue

Translation of descriptions of various automation and management systems for a catalogue


Translators from Lingvista have completed the translation of information on various automation and management systems.

We have translated information on the following systems for publishing in the English version of the customer’s catalogue: Integrated Gas Well Pad Telecontrol System, Integrated Automatic Fire-Extinguishing System, Electric Power Fiscal Metering System, Automated Power Supply Monitoring and Control System, Pipeline Operation Mode Control System, Terminal Automation System, Pump Station Automation System, etc.

The project involved the work of four translators and one reviewer.

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    We would like to thank Lingvista team for their promptness and patience while solving various tasks. They have always been ready to work and expressed competence while doing it. 


    Read more Regional Sales Manager, Fondital S.p.A. Natalya Andreyeva