Home Company News Interpreting afield

Interpreting afield


Agriculture has always been one of the leading and most significant sectors of the Russian economy. We can barely imagine how it works afield, somewhere outside big cities we live in. It may be surprising to discover that such a traditional thing as agriculture is closely bound up with modern technologies, international cooperation, popular world tendencies and need for interpretation.

We deal with agricultural projects quite often, with the majority of our clients residing in Siberia, Tomsk and neighboring regions. Russian agricultural products are actively exported abroad, to Asia and Europe. This cooperation is permanently extending, supported and stimulated by business trips, such as the visit of a British expert to one of the collective farms of Tomsk region at the end of August. Thus, UK turned out to be linked with our region due to agricultural partnership.

Guided by our experienced interpreter, the British specialist headed to the farm to learn about the background of Tomsk organic production. The meeting was dedicated to the discussion of crop farming and cultivation, soil management, fertilization and farm equipment operating. Great Britain had already imported corn and pea from Tomsk region last year. Production quality was estimated very high, so the cooperation is expanding now: this year, export volumes will be ramped up threefold! When in Tomsk, the British expert met his Russian colleagues, visited fields and made sure that organic agriculture is led according to all criteria, by all standards.

Meeting partners is a meaningful side of business development where has to be no language barriers. That’s why it’s important to get ready for such meetings. Our clients did it this way, having sent a request to Lingvista beforehand. The client highlighted special importance of the upcoming event, so we selected an interpreter experienced in the agricultural topic, aware of the terminology and ready to work afield right after meeting at the airport. If cooperation volumes ramp up next year again, our interpreters and clients will meet the challenge!

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    We have been working with the team of Lingvista since 2000. This agency provides both translation and interpretation services to our company. I can always rely on them, whatever linguistic services I need...


    Read more Director of Advanced Powder Technologies Ltd Marat Lerner