Home Company News APEC international events in Tomsk, Russia

APEC international events in Tomsk, Russia


We look forward to the first summer month not just because of the upcoming warm weather, even though it‘s much wanted here after the cool Siberian spring. In June, two great APEC events will be held in Tomsk, supported and organized by Lingvista and Smart Business Trips companies in cooperation with Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan. We have been exploring APEC activities for two years and now the time has come for our region to be at the heart of the matter. The APEC Local Innovation Ecosystem Forum and the Financial Opportunities Fair for SMEs are outstanding events not just for our city, but also for international economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region in general.

On June 13, the Forum participants will discuss local innovation ecosystems’ establishment and development. Speakers from different economies will share their own experience in establishing a comfortable ecosystem for young, active and talented specialists to stay and grow professionally within their local regions instead of leaving and taking their ideas and startups away. On June 14-15, the APEC Financing Opportunities Fair for Women-led (not only, practically) SMEs will take place in Tomsk. International representatives of various grants, challenges and funds, as well as entrepreneurs with successful experience in winning financial support for their projects, are included in the list of speakers. For the Russian business community, this is the first big event of this kind!

Thus, preparations and flawless organization of the events are matters of great importance for the host party. Lingvista and Smart Business Trips teams undertook solving fundamental organizational tasks, such as visa support for foreign guests and participants, flight tickets and accommodation booking, advising on summer weather conditions in Siberia, planning sightseeing tours around the city of Tomsk, providing simultaneous translation equipment and selecting volunteers. Our main professional missions are not left out either: we provide consecutive and simultaneous interpretation in two language pairs (English <> Russian, Chinese <> Russian), translate multiple related documents and data for the event website, which is available both in English and in Russian.

The list of participants and speakers includes specialists from such economies as Chinese Taipei, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, Mexico, Chile, Israel and Finland. It will be the first trip to Russia for the majority of them, so their impressions of visiting our country belong to our responsibility too. Besides, we welcome Russian participants as well: Financial Opportunities Fair is an excellent chance to learn more about supporting grant programs for startups/business projects, and the criteria applicants should meet to win.

Now, we are on the last lap: there’s less than a month left before the event starts. This is the last call: those wishing to come and take part should register beforehand. Both events are free-to-attend.

All in all, we are keeping an eye on everything to make the trip to Tomsk memorable, informative and enjoyable for our guests!

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    Read more Head of Professional Service Department, Sysmex RUS LLC Mayia Noseevich