This consent to personal data processing applies to personal data submitted by the personal data subject to Lingvista Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as the Operator), INN 7017266668, registered at the address: Russia, 634055 Tomsk, 7/1 30-Letiya Pobedy St., Apt. 31, and the personal data subject’s consent to personal data processing provided by the Operator, in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 27 July 2006 No. 152-FZ “On personal data”.
- purpose of personal data processing:
provision of translation and interpretation services
- list of personal data to be processed under this consent:
surname, first name and patronymic, the address of the personal data subject, ID data; educational background (specifying educational institutions); employment history (specifying institution names and positions held); participation (membership) details related to other corporate bodies; biographical background, photo, contact data, handwritten signature; phone number and e-mail address (depending on what was provided by the personal data subject to the Operator).
- list of actions to be performed with personal data under this consent:
collection, recording, arrangement, accumulation, storage, specification (updating, changing), extraction, use, distribution (including transfer), anonymizing, blocking and destruction of personal data; use for drafting, preparation and rendering of reports; reporting to regulating, controlling, oversight authorities and others, as required by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation, legal acts of the Russian Federation, acts of ministries or any other federal executive authority.
- period for which the consent is given: 5 (five) years after being granted by the personal data subject.
Procedure of consent withdrawal: in accordance with the Federal Law “On personal data” (No. 152-FZ), in the event that a personal data subject withdraws his/her consent to the processing of the personal data, the Operator shall cease the processing of the personal data and destroy the personal data within a period not exceeding 3 (three) working days from the date of receipt of the above-mentioned withdrawal, unless otherwise agreed in a contract or another agreement between the Operator and the personal data subject. The Operator shall inform the personal data subject on the personal data destruction. An original copy of the above-mentioned withdrawal, signed by the personal data subject, shall be presented to the Operator’s office.
Since 2007, our company Lithotech Medical Ltd, has been involved in a number of R&D projects in the medical device field. During this period Ms Maria Solonina served as our interpreter. Recently, Maria established her own Lingvista company...
» Read more Chairman & CEO of Lithotech Medical Ltd Danny Koren