People who are not acquainted with a certain professional activity might find it difficult to assess its specifics and the scope of specialists’ work. A simple word at first sight, translation implies a whole process and work of several specialists, which for some will become a revelation.
The workflow in interpretation projects also includes several stages. The key steps are: selection and testing of interpreters experienced in the relevant field and coordination of their work throughout the project. The process is graphically demonstrated here:
Translation workflow includes the following stages:
1. Request analysis: analyzing texts, specifying requirements to the target text and turnaround time, defining the scope of work on a project (glossary creation, translation, editing, rewriting, DTP, etc.), and selecting specialists for each type of work.
2. Agreement of prices and delivery time with the client.
3. Placing the project. If the text is big, it is split into logical parts and assigned to several translators. The parts are translated, then the translation is sent to an editor/proofreader and, if necessary, to the DTP expert.
4. Quality control for compliance with all requirements.
5. Delivery of the final product to the client.
After the completed project is returned to the client, Lingvista undertakes a number of post-project measures aimed at improving the future work. Among them are:
- Collection of the client’s feedback on the translation quality and communication in the process of work.
- Sending to the specialists the feedback on quality of their work in the project.
- Translation Memory creation to ensure consistency.
The whole process from request analysis to delivery of the completed translation is controlled and coordinated by a project manager. You can rest assured the project will be delivered on time and with proper quality. All you need is to specify your needs, provide us with the source materials and accept the completed translation. Contact us and try us in a real project!
We would like to express our gratitude to Smart Business Trips LLC and Lingvista LLC, for organization and successful hosting of the APEC events in Russia...